Hydroponics Training

Green Hydro Online Hydroponics learning course.

1 Day Hydroponics Training Courses.


What you Learn – 

  1. Introduction to Hydroponics
  2. How Plants Grow
  3. Essential Plant Nutrients elements
  4. Nutrient Solution
  5. Rooting Media
  6. System of Hydroponics
  7. Hydroponics Application Factor
  8. Hydroponics as Business

2 Days Hydroponics Training Course

What you Learn – 

Day -1 (Theory Session)

  1. Introduction to Hydroponics
  2. How Plants Grow
  3. Essential Plant Nutrients elements
  4. Nutrient Solution
  5. Rooting Media
  6. System of Hydroponics
  7. Hydroponics Application Factor
  8. Hydroponics as Business

Day – 2 (Practical Session)

  1. Growing medium
  2. Design and Type of Hydroponics system
  3. Nutrition making for plants
  4. TDS/ PH
  5. Light for Hydroponics
  6. Nutrition management
  7. Hydroponics System Cleaning
  8. Daily Maintenance
Training Details

Training Timing – 10:00 AM to 03:00 PM (including Lunch Timing)

Training Fee – 1 Day Training = 1000/- | 2 Day Training = 2000/- (500/- for Seat Booking)

Training Language – Hindi & English

Seat Booking – Online (1 Week Advance)

Training Fee Payment – Online (UPI, Debit Card, Net Banking)

Customer Reviews and Results

Training Review

https://youtu.be/YrCht53Q6X0[ninja_form id=2]